Particulate filter for petrol engines

Particulate filter for petrol engines
Particulate filter for petrol engines

Because of the higher exhaust gas temperatures and different principles of combustion, Particulate filter for gasoline engines are continuously cleaned in the normal conditions. In contrast to the diesel fuel in the regeneration is no need to increase the dose of fuel, so there is no risk of dilution of oil with gasoline.

Emission standard Euro 6c and 6d, which include new checking measured values ​​in real work. Necessary technical changes, which have imposed stricter rules, including the use of particle filters for engines with direct petrol injection. In practice this means for almost all gas units, except for the simplest of engines in small cars and atmospheric engine in hybrid drives.

Although it seems that this is connected with the new methodology of measuring, is not. Her arrival was known for a long time in advance and is related to the alignment requirements for diesel and gasoline engines.

2.0 TFSI with particulate soot trap

The same principle, different practice – Particulate filter for petrol engines

Since the particle filters for the same target in gasoline and diesel engines, their basic principle is the same. It consists in setting ceramic tiles in the exhaust pipe, that in a very fine structure combining through the blind and viable channel collects fine, individually invisible particles from exhaust gases.

The so-called differential pressure sensor compares the exhaust flow data upstream and downstream of the filter to determine the charge level of the filter. When the screen is filled above the normal operating level, electronics to control the engine must run forced ignition or regeneration of the filter to ensure the functionality of the car.

Jednostavna filter čestica čađi ima nekoliko različitih skraćenica u svetu benzinskih automobila, but all mean the same thing. GPF što na engleskom znači „ Gasoline Particulate Filter“. Unlike the diesel engine, German abbreviation is different, i to OPF ("Otto particle filter"). To se, na primer, appears in texts Damage, which, with regard to the sharing of technology with German VW-TV, do not be surprised. France terminology, on the other side, makes no distinction between petrol and diesel filters; Alternative designation for a combination of the filter and the catalyst in a body (cGPF) It is četvoro way catalyst, which underlines the fact that the existing three-way catalyst added a new feature.

Regeneration filter afraid of modern diesel cars. For burning DPF (Particulate filter diesel engine) it is necessary to increase the temperature of exhaust gases by increasing the amount of fuel injection – whether it is injected directly into the cylinders or via a separate injector into the exhaust gas. The car was so difficult to drive and spend more. Aside from, interruption of the regeneration leading to high rate charging filter.

Particulate filter for petrol engines
Particulate filter for petrol engines

This is not the case with gas filter called GPF. Engineers carmakers swear that in normal use gasoline cars with GPF infection in general will not be forced regeneration. This statement supports two physical argument. On the one hand, petrol engines with higher exhaust gas temperature, so that the GPF during operation also heated and at a higher temperature and is more likely to continually worse while driving. On the other side, ignition of filters will help mode, engine braking – or run without gas with a gear. In this situation the only engine pump suction air without fuel injection. The natural concentration of oxygen sufficient to burn the particles warmed in a hot filter.

However, still can be applied compulsive regeneration GPF's – usually on short traveling cold engine. Many other reasons, petrol engine Direct injection is not an ideal solution for such applications, but the situation on the market today is that most new cars with convenient drive, ie. Without direct injection engine, or a hybrid or pure electric version, just do not buy it.

Regeneration is the opposite DPF-in

As with the turbodiesel's, clogged filter must be burned artificially raising the temperature of exhaust gas and burning particles. The petrol engine does not need to increase the dose of fuel which can then be diluted oil regeneration is unsuccessful or if further clog the filter.

The solution is just the opposite: poor mixture. Petrol in the petrol engine is not used only for combustion, but also the cooling of the combustion chamber or the exhaust pipe. na primer, owners of older Fabio with 1.2 HTP engine and eight-valve 1.2 SOMETHING know about it in practice. Control units of these motors are cooled to its relatively low catalytic converters under load by increasing the fuel feed, therefore, these engines have a tremendous amount of fuel when they drive very fast. GPF regeneration results in the opposite application of the same principle in which deliberate filter allows the filter is heated to a higher temperature reducing the dose of fuel.

Not you know that you have it in the car

There are two locations for setting GPF's. Generally less suitable, but sometimes structurally more desirable is its installation at the beginning of the horizontal part of the exhaust pipe under the car. na primer, have a new generation Ford and focuss That Ceed-a. This schedule can be recognized only detailed examination of the underside of the car or catalog parts.

however, widespread and convenient setting filter as close to the engine, ie. vertically behind the exhaust manifold and turbocharger (if the car has, which is in most cases). In that case, the filter is placed in a common package with the catalyst and the oxidizing catalyst replaces the existing. This arrangement is sometimes referred to cGPF (Indoor particulate filter) and provides quick and easy warming filter to operating temperature. Layman's no way to identify him – unless the test wiring details not noticing or sensor tube leading to the differential pressure sensor.

Designers have used cGPF designers such as upgraded Skoda Fabia with 1.0 TSI motorom, the same way he moved to Fiat on the new engines with turbo-charged 1,0 i 1,3 liters from the series Firefly and Renault on their new generation of petrol engines. Little advantage is that this architecture forces engineers to effectively deal with the other parts – compact using the exhaust and water-cooled turbocharger setting, as close to the engine. This brings additional advantages in practical work.

The compact design is also typical for cGPF, as an answer to the question that worried many people who are interested in new petrol car. Diesel particle filter will almost always burn naturally close to the motor, its life cycle should equal the normal three-way catalytic converter, and if it happens replacement cGPF, the cost and effort of replacement will be comparable with existing catalysts. According to current knowledge cGPF can be destroyed only if the driver ignores the excessive oil consumption.

Not we can without him

In fact, presence of a soot filter in the car with gasoline is the only practical disadvantage. according to the first experience, Cars equipped GPF infection does not "run" as we are used to – especially transient modes, when the driver needs to sharply accelerate after a quiet ride.

With Since the GPF reduces exhaust pipes, the blame is certainly on it. However, it should be remembered that the standards Euro 6c and 6d now require that the actual car (test RDE) does not exceed the measured emissions of nitrogen oxides and particles more from 2,1 times. In these circumstances it is not possible to inject as much fuel as they can burn in the engine to achieve the required power, but all must be careful monitored and dosed.

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