1.0 WHAT motor – history, problems, experiences

In the era of reduction, increasingly small engines are coming under the hood of compact, medium or vans. One manufacturer that uses the aforementioned technology, the Group VAG, who offers, among other things, petrol engine 1.0 TSI contained in many modelsVolkswagen, Damage, AudiiliSeat.
The starting point for creating a new engine family EA211, , which is adapted platformMQBmodular units MOB (Modular construction kit od gasoline engines), i 1.4 TSI motor 140 KS. The derivatives are obtained by varying the reform of their motor (eg. removing exhaust valve phase variators, using less efficient turbocharger), reducing the number of cylinders or the optimization of the combustion process. These engines have nothing to do with the older generation 1.2 / 1.4 TSI EA111 motora, which became famous for its problems, combustion of oil and Timing chains with short-lived.
It started with 1.0 MPI
The 2011, u Vw Up! atmospheric 1.0 MPI engine debuted with the power of 60 do 75 the KS 95 Nm. Later she joined the Skoda Fabia, VW Polo i Seat Ibiza. Unit three-cylinder got a block and aluminum head. What is important, Unlike larger petrol unit group, here is used Indirect injection of fuel – This allows the installation of the gas system. Regularly changing the oil and filters ensure uninterrupted operation and cost effective operation. In some cases the observed increased consumption of engine oil, which could be a result of the way the vehicle is used. Users complain about the unpleasant sound of a three cylinder engine. The unit is still offered many models, and its extension is 1.0 SOMETHING.
the similarities with 1.4 SOMETHING
1.0 MPI / TSI engines have cylinders of identical diameter as 1.4 SOMETHING , or 1.0 MPI / TSI has three cylinders. Simply said, 1.0 MPI / TSIs were made after removal of one cylinder. In order to reduce production costs and increase unification, were used cylinders of the same diameter as the 1.4 SOMETHING. This allows the use of the same settings for many production machines in manufacturing plants. One of the specific decision engine 1.0 MPI / TSI is a valve cover which is integrated with the camshafts, which can impede or prevent their replacement bearings (fortunately, it is rarely necessary to correct the projected units).
1.0 WHAT motor – Debi 2015
1.0 TSI motor zasnovan na 1.0 MPI is presented in sale 2015. years. It was based on the construction of low atmospheric engine, adding a number of elements to increase the efficiency of the engine. One of the most simple modification is the replacement of indirect injection and direct injection. Turbocharging concerned about a significant increase in power and, above all, flexibility. The engine which weighed modest 93 kg quickly came under the hood Skoda Octavia-e, Fabia-e, Seat Ibiza-e, Leon and many other models of group. Depending on the variant, engine products 82, 86, 90, 95, 110 i 115 HP and torque of 160-200 Nm. It is interesting that in their daily work even relatively heavy Octavia coping well with this engine. In city driving do not feel a lack of power. The problem with the power begin only at higher speeds. Currently, Experts do not report excessive consumption of motor oil, like larger units TSI family. refills of 0,2-0,3 l do not concern.
Quiet operation
We will not worry too much because of the injection system which operates under high pressure – 200 bar. So far, little is known about the power of a turbocharger with fixed geometry blades. However, it can be assumed that driving style and regular service have a huge impact on his life.
In addition to the vibrations that are typical of three-cylinder engines, also we have to get used to the heavy, flexible work that is typical of family TSI.
The timing mechanism is most interesting. The manufacturer has defined life of the timing belt that runs in it for over 200.000. km, recommending only previous scans of the timing belt (the introduction of the engine even has been said that life expectancy represents corresponds to the assumed period of vehicle operation). It is worth to shorten the time between replacement of the timing belt.
Most of vibration accompanying the operation of three-cylinder engines absorbing cushions. It will be necessary to replace them faster than in cars with larger engines.
1.0 WHAT motor – Of segment A to C
1.0 TSI has quickly gained popularity and began to reach most of the models the company. No wonder, because it offers the best parameters with reasonable demand for fuel. The Fabia can spend about 6,5 liters in the city and less than 5 on the highway. The situation is even better in the VW Up! It also provides very good performance. Polo TSI od 115 horsepower accelerates to a hundred for a little more than 9 seconds and accelerates to over 200 km / h. The situation is somewhat worse in the Golf or Karoqu, where they feel they lack power on the highway. It also increases fuel consumption at around 8-9 l.
1.0 TDI can be found in the following models groups:
- VW – Up!, Polo, Golf, T-Roc, T-Cross
- Damage– Fabia, Octavia, Kerala
- Seat – Ibiza, Arona, Ateca
- Audi – A1, A3, K2
You do not have to worry about the smallest unit of the TSI
The purchase and subsequent operation of a modern petrol engine largely depends on the service history of a given engine. Conscientiously serviced and reasonably used polovnjaka not long cause additional problems for owners.
It is known that older TDI engines burn large amounts of oil that has not been observed at 1.0 SOMETHING. Some drivers do not perceive significant losses, second after 10.000 must add 0.2-0.5 l. Similar consumption is observed and in a four 1.4 TSI EA211.
The common characteristic of the engine TSI is quite loud and "hard" work, as a result of direct injection high-pressure fuel or the exhaust manifold to the passenger compartment. The intensity and color of sound depends on the model of car! The amount of sound-absorbing material is modest, but in half, Golf or Octavia, the engine can not hear after over 3500 O / me. The vibrations are most pronounced at engine start and idle.
TSI engines do not enjoy very good reputation – Cases towing drive chains, cracking pistons and combustion of oil in an amount greater than 1 point / 1000 km. There are many indications that Volkswagen made its conclusions and created a much better generation engine. Even at the beginning of his career in the market, 1.0 MPI had no significant childhood illness, and it is a good forecast for the future. Good criticism also has 1,0 SOMETHING.

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Zanima me kakvi su Vam po iskustvu 1.0 TSI 70kw koji se sad ugrađuju u sve VAG automobile, točnije me zanima Seat Arona. Je li taj motor dovoljan za gradsku vožnju, jednom mjesečno na put od 200 km i jednom godišnje na more? Znači do 10000 km godišnje. Rekli su mi da to nije dovoljno znažno, iako ima 95 horsepower.
Zanima me iskustvo sa motora 1.0 TSI 85kw/115ks 6G koji se ugradjuje u Škodu Kamiq.
Pozdrav Rade, Radim u Škodinom ovlaštenom salonu, prodali smo nekoliko modela s tim motorom, klijenti su prezadovoljni s performansama koje taj motor pruža, obzirom da se Kamiq vodi pod SUV vozilo.
Od oktobra 85kW postaje 81kW. Niko nije napisao razlog?!
Odličan i poučan članak. Hvala.
Namjeravam kupiti Kamiqa i dvoumio sam se oko motora 1.0 TSI i 1.5 SOMETHING, ali nakon dugog informiranja čini mi se da je 1.0 za mene. Naročito uz uštedu od 15 tisuća kuna u startu.
Zanimaju me iskustva i preporuke za Octaviju 1.0 TSI sa 116KS, 2019. godište.
Prelazim godišnje 10.000-15.000km, uglavnom u gradu.
VW Polo 1.0 TSI 44kw. Molim misljenje za taj motor. Moguca kupnja