How often do you adjust the beam of lights?

beam of lights

How often do you adjust the rearview mirror in the cabin to dim the lights that come from the car behind you and blind you? Quite often, isn't it? This means that the beam of lights on the vehicle behind you is set too high.

Little is known about the small wheel for adjusting the light beam. All more modern cars have it, but rarely does any driver know anything about the functioning of the wheel beam adjustment wheel, which is located in the cabin. Why do cars even have the option to control the light beam? Because even when this beam is adjusted in the service so as not to blind other drivers, it is still done automatically, that is, according to some default measure. We never, say, loaded a car and the like, and then adjusted the beam.

Problem: When the trunk is loaded or the car is full of passengers it lowers the car and the angle of the longitudinal axis of the car relative to the carriageway changes, the light moves up and can blind other drivers. The solution is simple: turn the dial and adjust the bundle down properly.

beam of lights

To know exactly what is happening with the beam, do this in the dark parked in front of the garage door or the white wall opposite you. Park a few meters from the wall, turn the wheel that is at zero (for an empty car) to a value higher. As you turn it, the angle of light changes - the higher the number, the lower the beam. Only modern xenon and LED lights do this automatically. Either way, know that there is always a clear sign if your beam is set too high - when you drive with your headlights down at night and other drivers who come to meet you flash then you know the beam is set badly. Also, pay attention to whether the drivers in front of you on the road have to adjust their rear-view mirror in the cab when you approach them. If so, adjust the beam to a higher value (to lower the light). If the problem is not resolved, have the lights checked by a workshop.

A full boot changes the angle of light. Adjust the beam so that you do not dazzle other drivers

A full boot changes the angle of light. Adjust the beam so that you do not dazzle other drivers

The lights should be checked by a specialist control unit for at least two years. Until then, be careful not to dazzle other drivers as this can be extremely risky, so feel free to use the famed beam to adjust the beam height as needed.

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